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Reusable Hair Removal Tool

€12,90 Sale Save
Lowest price last 30 days: €12,90
Kolor Black


Introducing the GLOV® Nano Glass Depilator, a cutting-edge solution for smooth, hair-free skin. This innovative depilator combines gentle exfoliation with effective hair removal, leveraging nano-glass technology for unparalleled results. Perfect for use on legs, arms, and underarms, it offers a painless alternative to conventional methods. Its unique design ensures ease of use and portability, making it ideal for maintaining flawless skin at home or on the go. Experience the dual benefits of hair removal and skin rejuvenation with the GLOV® Nano Glass Depilator.

How to use


  1. Cleanse Your Skin: Before using the hair removal eraser, ensure your skin is clean and completely dry. This helps in reducing irritation and allows the eraser to work more effectively.
  2. Prepare the Area: If you're using the eraser on a sensitive area, you might want to test it on a small patch of skin first to ensure there's no adverse reaction.
  3. Use Gentle Circular Motions: Hold the eraser against your skin and move it in gentle circular motions. The motion helps to gently remove hair from the surface and exfoliate dead skin cells. Avoid pressing too hard to prevent skin irritation.
  4. Exfoliate: As you use the eraser, it will not only remove hair but also help in exfoliating the top layer of your skin, leaving it smooth and soft.
  5. Rinse and Dry: After using the hair removal eraser, rinse the area with lukewarm water to remove any debris or dead skin cells. Pat the skin dry with a soft towel.
  6. Moisturize: Apply a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to soothe the skin and enhance its hydration after the exfoliation and hair removal process.
  7. Clean the Eraser: Wash the eraser with warm water and a mild soap. Allow it to air dry before storing it away for the next use.

Pro tips


  • The effectiveness may vary depending on hair thickness and skin type.
  • Regular use can help in reducing hair growth over time, as the process of exfoliation and gentle pulling can weaken hair follicles.
  • If you experience any irritation or discomfort, discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist if necessary.

Packaging options

Your products will come in their designated carton box and/or other decorative packaging elements. The order will be delivered in one of our ecommerce carton shipment boxes with a sustainable filling to secure your products.
Your products will come without additional carton box and/or other decorative packaging elements.The order will be delivered in our sustainably designed shipping envelope which is made of cornstarch and is fully biodegradable.


If you’re always On The Go (pun intended!) and often end up running out of your favorite skin- and haircare staples, subscribe your most-used GLOV products and receive them, conveniently delivered to your doorstep at a frequency of your own choice!Once you subscribe, we will automatically charge your payment card and ship the products so you don’t have to worry about anything else than keeping your skin as clear and healthy as possible :)
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Miesięcznie do samego demakijażu zużywamy nawet ponad 150 płatków kosmetycznych! To oznacza, że w ciągu roku zużywasz ich aż 1800. Wybierając GLOV, potrzebujesz jedynie 4 rękawiczek do demakijażu
i wody!

Wybierz skuteczne oczyszczanie twarzy bez chemii!

Czy wiesz czemu, nasze rękawice do demakijażu On-The-Go szturmem zdobyły już ponad 70 światowych rynków? To dzięki specjalnie opracowanym mikrowłóknom. Ich końcówki mają kształt gwiazdek, są 30 razy cieńsze od bawełnianego włókna i aż 100 razy cieńsze od ludzkiego włosa. Dzięki temu, kiedy je zmoczysz, przyciągają cząsteczki makijażu niczym magnes i dokładnie oczyszczają skórę twarzy.

Uwolnij kreatywność, użyj ponownie i zadbaj o naturę!

Rękawicy do demakijażu GLOV On-The-Go możesz używać codziennie, aż do trzech miesięcy. A kiedy straci swoje właściwości, możesz ją wykorzystać w inny sposób, np. do czyszczenia ekranu komputera czy smartfona, nadając jej nowe życie.

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