
Mit Carton Box
Ihre Produkte werden in ihrer ausgewiesenen Kartonbox und/oder anderen dekorativen Verpackungselementen erhältlich. Die Bestellung wird in einer unserer E -Commerce -Carton -Sendungsboxen mit einer nachhaltigen Füllung zur Sicherung Ihrer Produkte geliefert.
Umweltfreundliche Verpackung
Ihre Produkte werden ohne zusätzliche Kartonbox und/oder andere dekorative Verpackungselemente geliefert. Die Bestellung wird in unserem nachhaltig gestalteten Versandumschlag aus Maisstärke geliefert und ist vollständig biologisch abbaubar.Abonnement

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Why will you love GLOV ?

Reduce expenses and waste production
Monthly, to remove makeup alone, you use up to 150 cosmetic pads, which is 1,800 of them per year! When choosing GLOV, you only need 4 gloves for removing make-up and water. A big saving for the planet and your wallet, right?
Choose effective facial cleansing without chemicals
Do you know why our facial cleansing gloves have already stormed over 70 markets worldwide? It is thanks to specially developed microfibers. Their tips are star-shaped and 30 times thinner than a cotton fiber and 100 times thinner than a human hair. As a result, when you wet them, they attract makeup particles like a magnet and thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face.

Unleash creativity, reuse and take care of nature
You can use the cleaning glove daily for up to 3 months. When it loses its properties, you can use it in a different way, e.g. to clean the screen of a computer or smartphone. In this way, you give it new life.
Recycle used gloves
What to do when the makeup remover is worn out? It's best to pass it on to us! Send them to our address. We'll do the rest! We will recycle the microfibers and give them... a third life!