
Mit Carton Box
Ihre Produkte werden in ihrer ausgewiesenen Kartonbox und/oder anderen dekorativen Verpackungselementen erhältlich. Die Bestellung wird in einer unserer E -Commerce -Carton -Sendungsboxen mit einer nachhaltigen Füllung zur Sicherung Ihrer Produkte geliefert.
Umweltfreundliche Verpackung
Ihre Produkte werden ohne zusätzliche Kartonbox und/oder andere dekorative Verpackungselemente geliefert. Die Bestellung wird in unserem nachhaltig gestalteten Versandumschlag aus Maisstärke geliefert und ist vollständig biologisch abbaubar.Abonnement

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Why you will love GLOV products?

Comprehensive care
Our offer includes products that will help you take care of yourself from head to toe - hair, face and body care accessories, always designed in line with trends.
For the whole family
We have created care products not only for women! Have you seen our offer for men and children? Dermatologically tested, they are 100% safe and eliminate the use of unnecessary chemicals in care.

Unleash your creativity, reuse and take care of nature!
You can use GLOV care products many times. And when they lose their properties, you can use them in other ways, e.g. to clean the screen of a computer or smartphone, giving them a new life.
Recycle used products
What to do when the care accessories wear out? It's best to pass them on to us! Send used GLOV products to our address and we will take care of the rest! We recycle the products and give them ... a third life!