Glov® Velvet Lips and Ever Clean Skin Set
Lip Exfoliating Mitt
Expect instantly smooth lips with the SCRUBEX lip exfoliating mitt. Made of eco-friendly bamboo fibers, it quickly removes chapped skin, leaving your lips even and ready to absorb some much needed moisture from your favorite lip balm. The best part? You only need a little water to work its magic, meaning the messy lip scrub era is over! Use SCRUBEX as a step in your overall skincare routine or to prep your lips before applying lipstick, for the most beautiful, silky lips.
These patented, reusable cosmetic pads are heart-shaped not because it looks cute (although it does, admit it!), but because this shape enables you to easily reach all corners and creases of your face. Use them with water only or your favorite cleansing products and enjoy next-level skin clarity with GLOV®.
How to use
Lip Exfoliating Mitt
- Wash before first use. Wet SCRUBEX in warm water.
- Gently scrub your lips, adjusting the pressure to your needs.
- Wash it by hand using the GLOV® Magnet Cleanser or a gentle soap.
- Hang SCRUBEX out to dry. Use a nourishing lip balm or lipstick on your now perfectly smooth lips.
- Wash before first use. Use wet or dry.
- Apply your favorite cosmetic or use only with water.
- Press GLOV® Heart Pad to your skin and gently use circular motions to cleanse your skin or pat to apply toner.
- Machine-wash in a laundry bag at 40 degrees or hand-wash it directly after using it.
Lip Exfoliating Mitt
60.3% viscose, 37.7% polyester, 2% elastane
100% Polyester

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